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React.js vs. React Native. What are the Key Differences and Advantages?

React Native and ReactJs are two open-sourced technologies for developing user interfaces for web and mobile applications. Both the platforms were released and developed by Facebook. These technologies caught the attention of front-end developers as they facilitate developers to create interactive UIs.

In this article, we have described key differences between ReactJs and React Native. In addition to that, we have also provided advantages and disadvantages of both the technologies to help you clear your doubts before using them. So, without further ado, let’s dive straight into it.

What is React.js?

Reactjs is an open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces for web applications. It is responsible for the view layer of the application. It enables developers to develop complex UIs from a small and isolated piece of code which is known as “Components”.


ReactJS is made of two parts: Components and HTML documentation. The component part contains HTML code and the user interface that you want to see. The HTML documentation is where all your components will be rendered.


Jordan Walke, a well-known software engineer at Facebook created ReactJS. Facebook has its development and maintenance rights, later, it was used in applications like Instagram and WhatsApp. Facebook created ReactJS in 2011 for newsfeed, however, the public release happened in May 2013.


What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework used to create a mobile application for Android, iOS, and Windows. It utilises JavaScript to develop cross-platform mobile applications. React Native and ReactJs are similar but React Native uses native components as building blocks rather than using web components.

Facebook built the React Native in 2013 for its interior undertaking Hackathon. In March 2015, Facebook declared that React Native is open and accessible on GitHub. React Native was at first created for the iOS application. In any case, as of late, it additionally upholds the Android working framework.


Advantages of ReactJS


       ReactJS is very simple and easy to learn compared to React Native. A developer with little knowledge of JavaScript can easily understand the framework and will be able to create web applications using ReactJS.

       Firstly, it was tricky creating a dynamic web application using HTML since it required complex coding. However, with ReactJS, it is easier to develop complex and feature-rich web applications as it provides less coding and more functionalities.

       ReactJS web application contains multiple components and each component comes with its own logic and control. All the components can be used again whenever you want, which will be quite helpful to create and maintain web applications significantly.

       ReactJS further improves development because of virtual DOM. The React Virtual DOM exists totally in memory and is a portrayal of the internet browser's DOM. Because of this, when we compose a React part, we don't compose straightforwardly to the DOM.

       ReactJS comes with a handy set of tools that make developers’ tasks easy. It also enables developers to choose specific components and review or edit their existing Props and States.


Disadvantages of ReactJS


       ReactJS continuously changes and launches new updates in regular time. Hence, it is difficult for developers to re-learn whatever changes happened in the framework. Continuous updates make developers adopt new ways which are very annoying and time-consuming to do.

       Because of regular updates, there is no time to prepare proper documentation. Developers have to write instructions according to new releases and updated tools in the project.

       ReactJS offers only a UI layer view of the app so you need to select other technologies in order to access the complete tooling set for project development.

       ReactJS applications are easy to test and debug. It offers scope where developers can easily test the application using native tools.   


Advantages of React Native

       It facilitates users with the “Learn once write everywhere” concept which is suitable for both iOS and Android application development.

       React Native codes are compiled in Native code which enables it for both operating systems and functions for both the platforms.

       JavaScript is used to develop native mobile applications.

       The large community support is a huge advantage that helps you find any answer related to React Native.

       When you change the code of your app, it is immediately visible in development.

       The best thing about React Native is that it is constantly getting improvised to provide the best platform for iOS and Android development.

       As a React native developer, you need to write platform-specific codes in order to achieve native functionalities.


Disadvantages of React Native


       React Native is still considered a newcomer in iOS and Android programming languages. React Native is still in its early stage which can impact negatively in app development.

       React Native is very difficult to understand especially for beginners who just started their career in mobile app development.

       It has fewer security features compared to ReactJS which affects the robustness of the framework. Hence, experts suggest not to use React Native while developing banking and financial apps.

       Even if you are using high-end devices, React Native could consume a lot of time for initializing the runtime.


Key Differences Between ReactJs & React Native



React Native

ReactJs was launched in 2013

React Native was launched in 2015

Mainly used to create a web application

Mainly used to create mobile applications

It can be executed across all the platform

Execution is not simple, takes more effort compared to ReactJS

Uses CSS and JavaScript libraries for animation

It has built-in animation libraries

It has React-router for navigating web pages

It comes with in-built navigator libraries for navigating the mobile application

Uses HTML tags

Does not uses HTML tags

It utilises code component which saves a lot of time in development

It can reuse React Native UI components & modules

High security

Less secure compare to Reactjs

Virtual DOM provides the browser code

Native uses its API to provide code for mobile application



We hope this article will help you identify the key differences between ReactJs and React Native. If you are looking to hire react native developers from India, you need to make sure that the applicants know the basic differences between ReactJs and React Native and their respective advantages & disadvantages. Tell us what you think about this article, share your views in the comment section below.

By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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