The “track by” expression to specify
unique keys. The “track by” takes a
function that has two arguments: index and item. If “track by” is given,
Angular tracks changes by the return value of the function.
Understanding About *ngFor Mechanisms:-
By default, when you use *ngFor
without “track by”, *ngFor tracks array of objects changing through object
If you are going to modify (add,
update, remove) any element of *ngFor, then update the tracking algorithm by
providing your object id to the “track by”function.”
Why use “track by”with ngFor directive?
The “ngFor” directive may perform
poorly with large lists.
A small change to the list like,
adding a new item or removing an existing item may trigger several DOM
Syntax of ngFor Angular:
<tr *ngFor="let user of users; let i = index">
Example of *ngFor with trackBy in Angular:
<div *ngFor="let user of users; trackBy:">
{{}} - {{}}
As an example - AngularJs track by,
<div ng-repeat="user in user.userList track by user.UserId">
Here UserId is unique id and the name
of user can be same. So use “track by user.UserId” for ignores error.
- Angular does not allow duplicates in ng-repeat directive. So I got an error -