What Is Flutter?
Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit
created by Google. It is used to
develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia and
the web.
What Is Angular?
Angular is the most popular web development framework for
developing mobile apps as well as desktop applications.
The angular framework is also utilized in the cross-platform
mobile development called IONIC and so it is not limited to web apps only.
Angular is an open source framework written and maintained
by the angular team at Google and
the Father of Angular is Misko Hevery.
Difference Between Flutter
and Angular - Flutter vs Angular :
=> Flutter unveiled in 2015 at Dart development Summit.
Though it had been named differently and later in 2017 it has been developed
for the market.
=> Angular was developed in 2009 by Miško Hevery.
=> The answer is both frameworks Flutter and Angular are
developed by Google.
=> Flutter Target only on Mobile
=> Angular Target for both Mobile and Computer
=> Flutter written in Dart Programming Language
=> Angular written in Windows Typescript
=> Flutter Functionality Works as SDK
=> Angular functionality Works as Building blocks of User
=> Compare to Angular, Flutter is faster in performance
however when it comes to usability Angular is more stable as Flutter has been
in the development stage, that also means that there will still be some bugs,
missing features that need to be added in the framework.
=> Components of Angular:
Angular creates Applications using components like,
Data binding
Type Components
Service Components
Provider Components
Filter Components
Dependency Injection
=> Components of Flutter:
There are four components that create the “SDK” platform and make Flutter
Architecture vastly usable,
Flutter Engine
Dart Platform
Foundation Library
OS Design Specific Widgets
Must read about Flutter FAQs