Python is an
Interpreted, Interactive, Object-Oriented, and high-level programming language
and it has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability.
Python is
created by Guido van Rossum and the first released on 20 February 1991; around
26 years ago.
features a dynamic type system and memory management automatically. It also
supports multiple programming paradigms like –
1. Object Oriented
2. Functional
3. Procedural
4. Imperative
5. Comprehensive standard library
Explore for
more detail about Python's benefits, features and others.
Why Are There Different Versions of
There were
many versions of pythons since its release in 1994.The following python
versions are major and notable minor releases. The releases of python 2.7 and
3.X are stable versions
The Key
Differences between Python 1, 2 and Python 3.x: Python Versions
Python 0.9.0 -
Python 0.9
was released on Feb 1991 and the lists of features are:
1. Classes with inheritance exception
2. Functions
3. Modules
Python 1.0 -
Python 1.0
was released on Jan 1994 and the lists of features are:
1. Functional programming tools (lambda,
map, filter and reduce)
2. Support for complex numbers
3. Functions with keyword arguments
Python 2.x -
Python 2.0
was released on Oct 2000, Python 2.7.0 was released on July 2010, and Python
2.7.15 was released on May 2018 and the list of features are:
1. List comprehension
2. Cycle-detecting garbage collector
3. Support for Unicode. Unification of
data types and classes
4. Print functional brackets optional
5. Prefix string with u to make Unicode
6. Division of integers always return
integer – 5/2=2
7. Raw_input () reads string
8. input() evaluates data read
9. generator .next()
Python 3.x -
Python 3.0
was released on Dec 2008, Python 3.6 was released on Dec 2016, Python 3.6.5 was
released on Mar 2018, Python 3.7.0 was released on May 2018, and the lists of
features are:
1. Backward incompatible
2. print keyword changed to print()
3. raw_input() function depreciated
4. Unified Str/Unicode types
5. Utilities for automatic conversion of
Python 2.x code
6. New C API for thread-local storage
7. Built-in breakpoint()
8. Data classes
9. Context variables
10. print functional brackets compulsory
11. String Unicode by default
12. Division of integers may result in
float – 5/2=2.5
13. Raw_input() not available
14. Input always reads string
15. Next (generator).
16. Py2 to py3 utility
17. Dictionary .keys() and .values()
returns a view not a list
Explore for
more detail about Python's benefits, features and others.