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iOS Interview Questions and Answers – iOS 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

What Is iOS?
The iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc.

The iOS runs on the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV and the Initial release of iOS is 29 June 2007. The iOS is written in C++, Objective-C, Swift and the default user interface is Cocoa Touch.

What does iOS stand for?
The iOS stands for iPhone Operating System, or just “i” + Operating System.

What does iOS mean?
Basically, iOS is a truncated way of saying ‘iPhone OS’, or ‘iPhone Operating System’.

How do I download new iOS apps?
You can download apps onto any iOS device from Apple’s App Store.

Is iOS is an Operating system?
Yes! It is operating system. 

How do I update my iPhone or iPad to the latest version of iOS?
Your Apple device should automatically detect when an iOS update is available to download and inform you with a pop-up message.

Is multitasking function is supported by the iOS?
Yes! The iOS supported multitasking.

Which JSON framework does supported by the iOS?
The iOS supports SBJson framework.

How does iOS compare to Android?
Android is another mobile operating system just like iOS, but Android was designed by Google and it runs on popular rival phones to the iPhone, such as Samsung’s Galaxy S7, Sony’s Xperia X, the Moto G4 and Google’s own Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X phones.

Is iOS more secured than Android?
Yes, iOS is a closed system, compared with the open source Android.

What is Cocoa/Cocoa touch? Explain in detail?
The Cocoa Touch is an UI (user interface) framework that runs on iOS for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, watchOS for the Apple Watch and tvOS for the Apple TV and so on.

The Cocoa Touch helps us to create rich user experiences by allowing for the smooth movement of visual elements and iOS, watchOS, and tvOS technologies can be seen as a set of layers, with Cocoa Touch at the highest level and the Core OS/kernel at the bottom.

Some of the main features of Cocoa Touch are -
1.         UI State Preservation
2.         Notifications Service
3.         Auto Layout
4.         Document Picker
5.         Multitasking
6.         TextKit
7.         AirDrop
The Cocoa Touch also provides an abstraction layer of iOS.

The Cocoa is an object oriented software libraries, application environment and a run-time system that helps us to develop OSX and iOS apps using Swift language and Objective C.

Why you use NSFetchRequest?
The main use of this NSFetcherRequest is to fetch from the core data. 

What are extra features added in iOS 9?
The iOS 9 is full of enhancements you'll appreciate every day. Your apps become more essential. New multitasking features on iPad make you even more productive.

The 7 best new features of iOS 9:-
1.         Content Blockers
2.         Battery improvements
3.         Siri and search improvements
4.         iPad keyboard improvements
5.         Side-by-side multitasking
6.         Bread crumb trail
7.         App slimming

What's New in iOS 10?
The 13 best new features of iOS 10:-
1.         Added new lock screen and lock screen widgets
2.         Added new Emoji
3.         Added new Apple Music
4.         Added new iMessage app with stickers, animations, games, Digital Touch
5.         Added new Apple Home app
6.         Added new Siri and Apple Maps
7.         Added new Apple News app
8.         Added new Apple Photos app

What's New in iOS 11?
The iOS 11, released on September 19, introduces major design changes, new app features, and a complete interface overhaul for the iPad.

The 14 best new features of iOS 11:-
1.         Subtle design changes
2.         Control Center is customizable
3.         Wider range of settings
4.         3D Touch integration
5.         Merged with Notification Center
6.         Translate English into different languages like Spanish and Chinese, and there's deeper Siri integration with Apple Music
7.         Includes searchable handwriting and document scanning, Maps gains lane guidance, speed limit info, and indoor maps for malls and airports
8.         Revamped Control Center
9.         Updated design elements
10.    Drag and Drop
11.    iPad Dock
12.    Siri improvements
13.    Peer-to-peer Apple Pay
14.    Do Not Disturb driving mode

What's New With Siri?
Siri improve with all iteration of iOS, and iOS 11 is no exception.
Siri is using on-device learning to understand more about your preferences.
Siri is also syncing that information across all of iOS and Mac devices.

What's New in iOS 12?
The 17 best new features of iOS 12:-
1.         Faster and more responsive
2.         Smoother animations
3.         Up to 70% faster swipe to Camera
4.         Up to 50 per cent faster keyboard display
5.         Up to 40 per cent faster app launch
6.         Screen Time - Activity reports, App limits,
7.         Group FaceTime
8.         FaceTime audio and video
9.         New Animoji with tongue detection
10.    Private end-to-end encryption
11.    Custom emoji
12.    Camera effects
13.    Measure app
14.    Grouped notifications
15.    Up to two times faster Share sheet display under load
16.    Do Not Disturb During Bedtime
17.    New Do Not Disturb options

Does iOS 12 have Do Not Disturb?
Yes! The iOS 12 have an additional feature - Do Not Disturb.

What's New in iOS 13?
The 16 best new features of iOS 12:-
1.         Siri Improvement
2.         Multiple User Account
3.         Unlock With Slide
4.         Notification Snoozing
5.         Enhanced Emoji Search
6.         Messaging Feature
7.         Status of Contact
8.         Smart Wi-Fi
9.         Split View and App Bar
10.    Home screen redesign
11.    Big iPad changes needed
12.    Camera app revamp
13.    iOS 13 dark mode seems very likely
14.    Health and Activity apps on the iPad
15.    SPAM call blocking ,
16.    Change Wi-Fi and Bluetooth via Control Central

What about the iOS Security?
The iOS utilizes many security features in both hardware and software. The following options are:-
1.         Secure Boot
2.         Pass-code
3.         Two-Factor Authentication
4.         Touch ID
5.         Secure Enclave
6.         Non-Executable Memory
7.         Encryption
8.         Address Space Layout Randomization
9.         Keychain
10.    App Security
11.    App Store bypasses
12.    Network Security

By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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