PHP Framework FAQs:
2. Why
PHPixie Framework?
3. What
Are the Features of PHPixie?
4. What
Are the inbuilt Components of PHPixie?
5. Download
PHPixie Github?
Is PHPixie?
PHPixie is a Modern, open-source, fast, secure
and a lightweight MVC PHP framework designed for speed and simplicity.
PHPixie started as a micro-framework and has
gradually grown to be one of the most popular full-stack PHP frameworks while
retaining its high performance.
The primary function of PHPixie is that it allows
organizing the projects into bundles as a result of which reusing code is made
PHPixie is easy to learn and does not rely on auto-magic.
PHPixie is MVC pattern oriented.
PHPixie has an impressive routing system for
smooth implementation.
PHPixie compile fast for easy deployment.
PHPixie is relatively a new framework with
continuous support.
Are the Features of PHPixie?
PHPixie is modern PHP frameworks and It has the
following features:
- PHPixie is useful for developing flexible, simple, and secure and mostly enterprise application.
- Uses advanced security for secure hashes, secure cookie handling and random tokens.
- PHPixie supports MongoDB, a non-relational database management system.
- PHPixie has a linear code flow as it never uses or supports events.
- PHPixie is more adaptable as everything is expandable and overridable.
Are the inbuilt Components of PHPixie?
The following inbuilt Components of PHPixie are:
- PHP Template
- Inbuilt Exceptions and tracing with Debug component
- Inbuilt Authentication
- Database support for - MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MongoDB
- PHPixie Pagination library
- PHPixie ORM library
- PHPixie Validation library
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