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Angular 8 Interview Questions and Answers

What Is Angular? What's New in Angular 8?
What Are Differences in Angular 8 and Angular 7? List of All Angular FAQs
What Are Components in Angular? What Is Angular Modules?
What Are Angular Directives? What Is Dependency Injection (DI)?
What Is Pipe? Types of Angular Pipe? What Is Routing and Navigation?
What Is Angular Services? What's Angular Elements?
What Is Service Workers? Types? What Is HttpClient?
Angular Security? What Is Angular Testing?
Angular Cookies? What Is Form, Template, and Validations?

What Is Angular?
Angular is the most popular web development framework for developing mobile apps as well as desktop applications.

The angular framework is also utilized in the cross-platform mobile development called IONIC and so it is not limited to web apps only.

Angular is an open source framework written and maintained by the angular team at Google and the Father of Angular is Misko Hevery.

Misko Hevery - Agile Coach at Google, Attended Santa Clara University and Lives in Saratoga, CA.

Angular is written in TypeScript and so it comes with all the capabilities that typescript offers.
You don’t worry about the TypeScript versions. The compiler manages to the versioning related problems and Angular team working with Traceur compiler team to provide the support to build some extensions.

What's New in Angular 8?
Angular 8 being smaller, faster and easier to use and it will making Angular developers life easier. Angular version numbers have three parts: major.minor.patch

The latest features introduced during the Angular 8 release candidate stage include:
1.            Smaller bundles, CLI APIs, and alignment with the ecosystem
2.            AngularJs Migration Improvements
3.            Route Configurations use Dynamic Imports
4.            Differential Loading by Default
5.            Web Worker Support
6.            New Deprecation Guide
7.            Builder APIs in the CLI
8.            Workspace APIs in the CLI
9.            Ivy & Bazel
10.       Ivy aims to change this. Compared with the current Angular View Engine, Ivy provides the following benefits.
                                                                                i.      Generated code that is easier to read and debug at runtime
                                                                              ii.      Faster re-build time
                                                                            iii.      Improved payload - applications size improvements
                                                                            iv.      Improved template type checking
                                                                              v.      Great backward compatibility

Differential loading of modern JavaScript:-

Use “ngx-build-modern”: Differential Serving for Angular and the CLI.

Must be:-
1.            Angular >= 7.0.0
2.            Angular CLI >= 7.0.0

The important features of “ngx-build-modern”:-
·       Create optimized bundles for modern browsers
·       Create legacy bundles for older browsers
·       Make the browser loads the right set of bundles
·       Automate this all by providing a CLI extension

This release contains the following added and Improvements over the entire Angular platform including:-
=> Added Support for TypeScript 3.2
=> Added a Navigation Type Available during Navigation in the Router
=> Added pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange mode for runGuardsAndResolvers in the Router
=> Allow the passing state to router link Directives in the Router
=> Allow the passing state to NavigationExtras in the Router
=> Restore the whole object when navigating back to a page managed by Angular Router
=> Added support for SASS
=> Resolve generated Sass/Less files to .css inputs

=> Added Predicate function mode for runGuardsAndResolvers:-
This option means guards and resolvers will ignore changes when a provided predicate function returns `false`. This supports use cases where an application needs to ignore some param updates but not others.

For example, changing a sort param in the URL might need to be ignored, whereas changing the `project` param might require re-run of guards and resolvers.

=> Added functionality to mark a control and its descendant controls as touched: - add markAllAsTouched () to AbstractControl

=> Added ng-new command that builds the project with Bazel
=> Use image based cache for windows BuildKite
=> Export NumberValueAccessor & RangeValueAccessor directives

=> Use shared DomElementSchemaRegistry instance for improve performance of platform-server (@angular/platform-server):-

Right now the ServerRendererFactory2` creates a new instance of the `DomElementSchemaRegistry` for each and every request, which is quite costly (for the Tour of Heroes SSR example this takes around **15%** of the overall execution time)

=> Now the Performance Improvements on the core, more consistent about “typeof checks”: -
When testing whether `value` is an object, use the ideal sequence of strictly not equal to `null` followed by `typeof value === 'object'` consistently. Specifically, there's no point in using double equal with `null` since `undefined` is ruled out by the `typeof` check.
Also avoid the unnecessary ToBoolean check on `value.ngOnDestroy` in `hasOnDestroy()`, since the `typeof value.ngOnDestroy === 'function'` will only let closures pass and all closures are truish (with the notable exception of `document.all`, but that shouldn't be relevant for the `ngOnDestroy` hook)

=> In the Compiler-CLI, expose ngtsc as a TscPlugin

=> Restore the whole object when navigating back to a page managed by Angular Router:-
This feature adds a few capabilities. First, when a `popstate` event fires the value of `history.state` will be read and passed into `NavigationStart`. In the past, only the `navigationId` would be passed here.

Additionally, `NavigationExtras` has a new public API called `state` which is any object that will be stored as a value in `history.state` on navigation.

For example, the object `{foo: 'bar'}` will be written to `history.state` here: -`router.navigateByUrl('/simple', {state: {foo: 'bar'}});`

What Are Components in Angular?
Components are the most basic building block of a UI in Angular applications and it controls views (HTML/CSS). They also communicate with other components and services to bring functionality to your applications.

Technically components are basically TypeScript classes that interact with the HTML files of the components, which get displayed on the browsers.

The component is the core functionality of Angular applications but you need to know to pass the data into the components to configure them.

Angular applications must have a root component that contains all other components.

Components are created using a @Component decorator that is part of @angular/core module.

You can create your own project using Angular CLI, this command allows you to quickly create an Angular application like - generate components, services, pipes, directive, classes, and modules, and so on as per your requirements.

Explore in detail about Angular Components

What Is Modules?
The NgModule is a TypeScript class marked by the @NgModule decorator.

The module is a class and works with the @NgModule decorator function and also takes a metadata object that tells Angular how to compile and run module code.

The Angular module helps you to organize an application into associative blocks of functionality.

An angular module represents a core concept and plays a fundamental role in structuring Angular applications.

The NgModule is used to simplify the ways you define and manage the dependencies in your applications and also you can consolidate different components and services into associative blocks of functionality.

Every Angular application should have at least one module and it contains the components, service providers, pipes and other code files whose scope is defined by the containing NgModule.

The purpose of the module is to declare everything you create in Angular and group them together.

Explore in detail about Angular module

What Are Angular Directives?
Angular Directive is a TypeScript class which is declared as a @directive decorator.

The directives allow you to attach behavior to DOM elements and the @directive decorator provide you an additional metadata that determines how directives should be processed, instantiated, and used at run-time.

Explore in detail about Angular Directives

What Is Dependency Injection (DI)?
Dependency Injection is a powerful pattern for managing code dependencies. DI is a way to create objects that depend upon other objects.

Angular has its own DI framework pattern, and you really can't build an Angular application without Dependency injection (DI).

A DI system supplies the dependent objects when it creates an instance of an object.

Explore in detail about Angular Dependency Injection (DI)

What Is Angular Pipe?
Pipes transform displayed values within a template.

Use the @Pipe annotation to declare that a given class is a pipe. A pipe class must also implement a PipeTransform interface.
The @Pipe decorator allows you to define the pipe name that is globally available for use in any template in the across Angular apps.

Pipe class implements the “PipeTransform” interfaces transform method that accepts an input value and returns the transformed result.
There will be one additional argument to the transform method for each parameter passed to the pipe.

Explore in detail about Angular Pipes Decorator

What Is runGuardsAndResolvers function?

This option means guards and resolvers will ignore changes when a provided predicate function returns `false`. This supports use cases where an application needs to ignore some param updates but not others.

For example, changing a sort param in the URL might need to be ignored, whereas changing the `project` param might require re-run of guards and resolvers.

What Is “typeof checks” in Angular 8?
How Performance Improvements on the core in Angular 8?

When testing whether `value` is an object, use the ideal sequence of strictly not equal to `null` followed by `typeof value === 'object'` consistently. Specifically, there's no point in using double equal with `null` since `undefined` is ruled out by the `typeof` check.

Also avoid the unnecessary ToBoolean check on `value.ngOnDestroy` in `hasOnDestroy()`, since the `typeof value.ngOnDestroy === 'function'` will only let closures pass and all closures are truish (with the notable exception of `document.all`, but that shouldn't be relevant for the `ngOnDestroy` hook)

How to restore the whole object when navigating back to a page managed by Angular Router in Angular 8?

This feature adds a few capabilities.
First, when a `popstate` event fires the value of `history.state` will be read and passed into `NavigationStart`. In the past, only the `navigationId` would be passed here.

Additionally, `NavigationExtras` has a new public API called `state` which is any object that will be stored as a value in `history.state` on navigation.
For example, the object `{name: 'anil'}` will be written to `history.state` here: -`router.navigateByUrl('/simple', {state: {name: 'anil'}});`

What Is the Navigation Type Available during Navigation in the Angular 8 Router?
What Is Bazel?

Google open sourced the software responsible for building most of our projects under the name Bazel. Bazel is a powerful tool which can keep track of the dependencies between different packages and build targets.

What Are the features of Bazel?

Bazel is independent of the tech stack.
It has a smart algorithm for determining the build dependencies

What Are the Angular 8 Best practices?

Don't modify your copy of Angular
Avoid Angular APIs marked in the documentation as “Security Risk.”
Preventing cross-site scripting (XSS)
Keep current with the latest Angular library releases.
Check the Angular log for security-related updates in the regularly.

Remember, whether a value is safe depends on context, so choose the right context for your intended use of the value.

Normally, Angular automatically sanitizes the URL, disables the dangerous code, and in development mode, logs this action to the console.

By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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