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29 Advanced SEO Tips & Techniques You Must Need to Know

The Search Engine Optimization is a technique used in web publishing to increase your web page visibility, more readers, and traffic for a higher ranking in search engines.

Stayed Informed - A Must-Have Guide for Decoding the Google Rankings

To writing an article using Search Engine Optimization requires good writing skills to make the article interesting and easy to read.
To understand what marketers mean by SEO Content, it’s helpful to break down the phrase into its component parts:-

1.      Get your keyword research on
2.      Edit your work if find any issue and suggestions on you post or articles
3.      Put the keywords to work
4.      Prepare for mobile first indexing
5.      Optimize for mobile page speed
6.      Publish on Google Posts the same way you do on Facebook or Twitter and so on
7.      Establish a Pillar Content Strategy
8.      Longer Blog posts (try at least 1,600 words for each and every blog posts)
9.      Leverage data from the CrUX report
10. Occupy more of SERP space
11. Optimize your site links
12. Treat Videos as the new content king
13. Add relevant metadata for exact keyword matching
14. Upload videos to different popular platforms
15. Update your Google My Business listing
16. Check Competition and add your main keyword to your title (< H1 > tag) and also add related keywords to subtitles (< H2 > and < H3 > tags)
17. Add your own questions and replies about your business to Google Q&A
18. Reviews and fix your important ranking factor
19. Build your brand's reputation
20. Consider your audience
21. Test-drive new Google Search Console
22. Test your links with URL Inspection tool
23. Look at the Index Coverage report
24. Create a SEO friendly URL (it should be short and must contain your main keyword)
25. Analyze the Performance report daily basis
26. Share your reports with your readers and team
27. Be present on Amazon on other platform
28. Fulfills your content for Google search algorithm and Amazon search algorithm
29. Tyr to add and improve creative link building

How to Research Keywords for Your SEO Strategy?
1.      Make a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business
2.      Research related search terms
3.      Fill in those topic buckets with keywords
4.      Check for a mix of head terms and long-tail keywords in each bucket

By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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