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PHP 7 Interview Questions and Answers

What Is PHP?
PHP stands for “Hypertext Pre-processors”. It is server side scripting language and used for developing web applications and It's allows us to dynamically create generated web pages.

PHP has many frameworks and CMS and used for creating websites.  The PHP is very easy to create sites using its CMS. 

The PHP is an Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) language.

What Is PHP 7?
PHP7 is a latest and major release in the PHP Programming language that has widened several programming avenues for PHP coders.

PHP 7 is used to developed and delivered for mobile to enterprises and the cloud. PHP 7 offers faster performance, reduced memory consumption, anonymous class options, etc.
PHP 7 has been through several months of beta testing and was finally released in its stable form in December 2015, just one month after the predicted release date.

What Are New Features in PHP 7?
What’s New in PHP 7?
The following Features are included in PHP7 -
1.      Scalar type hints
2.      The null coalesce operator
3.      The space ship operator
4.      Return type declarations
5.      Anonymous classes
6.      The Integer division function
7.      Uniform variable syntax
8.      The Closure::call() method
9.      Level support for the dirname() function
10. Generator delegation
11. Generator return expressions
12. Throwables
13. Other Syntax Changes

Who Spearheaded the Development of PHP 7?
The development of PHP 7 was spearheaded by Dmitry Stogov, Xinchen Hui, and Nikita Popov.

Is PHP 7 Backwards Compatible?
Yes!, PHP has some backwards compatibility. 

The PHP 6 will be skipped for good reasons. As is expected of a new major release, there will be some breaks in backwards compatibility.

Does PHP 7 Support MySql?
PHP 7 has removed support for the mysql extension and affects the following as :
1.      Any queries using a mysql_connect function will not function
2.      PHP 7 only allow connections to a MySQL database using mysqli or PDO_MySQL

What Are the Benefits of PHP7?
The following besnfits are :
1.      Double Speed
2.      Enables accurate type declarations
3.      64-bit windows support system
4.      Anonymous classes
5.      Supports error handling
6.      New spaceship and null coalescing operators

Explore in detail about PHP FAQ's

I hope you enjoyed. Thank you very much fo your time.
By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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