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Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers

What Is Software Testing?
Software testing is an activity that ensures the identifications of bugs, errors, and defects in software system. It involves execution of a software component or system component to evaluate one or more properties of interest.

There are two basics of software testing is- black-box testing and white-box testing.
Testing is the subset of quality control.

Software Testing involves following -
1.      Testing meets the requirements that inspect its design and development phage
2.      Responds correctly to all kinds of inputs
3.      Execute its functions within an acceptable time
4.      And so on

Types of Software Testing -
1.      Functional Testing - Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Smoke, and UAT
2.      Non-Functional Testing - Performance, Endurance, Load, Volume, Scalability, and Usability
3.      Maintenance - Regression and Maintenance

Why Is Software Testing Important?
Software Testing is very important because the software’s bugs, errors, and defects could be dangerous and it is very harmful for our products and applications.

So each and every software products or web applications should be tested at least black-box and white-box testing.

What Is Quality Assurance?
Quality Assurance is known as QA aim is to prevent the defects and managing the quality of products.
Quality assurance consists of that part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.

The quality assurance involves in process oriented activities that ensures the prevention of bugs, errors, and defects in the software products and apps.

So the defects do not happen when your software products or apps are being deployed on the cloud server.

What Is Quality Control?
Quality Control is known as QC and focuses on identifying and improves the defects, bugs, and errors of products or apps.

The quality control involves in product oriented activities that executes the applications code to identify the bugs, errors and defects in the software apps.

Quality Control is that part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements.
What Are the Differences between Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control?
1.      QA is a verification process.
2.      QA is the process of managing for quality.
3.      QA is the process to create the deliverables.
4.      QA is responsible for full software development life cycle.
5.      QA is process oriented

1.      QC is a Validation process.
2.      QC is used to verify the quality of the output.
3.      QC is the process to verify that deliverables.
4.      QC is responsible for software testing life cycle.
5.      QC is product oriented

QA performed before QC.

What Is Validation?
Validation is the process of evaluate the final product to check whether the software meets the business needs.

Validation represents dynamic testing techniques.
What Is Verification?
Verification is a process of evaluating the intermediary work products of a software development lifecycle to check if we are in the right track of creating the final product.

What Is the Differences between Verification and Validation in Software Testing?

Verifications -
1.      Execution of code is not comes under verification.
2.      Verification uses methods like reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, and desk- checking.
3.      Verification finds bugs early in the development cycle.
4.      Verification comes before validations.

There are four types of verification -
Component Testing - This testing verify a software element (unit).
Integration Testing - This testing verify if the units work together.
System Testing - This testing verifies and meets the system requirements.
Acceptance Testing - This testing verify the system satisfies acceptance criteria.

Validation -
1.      Execution of code is comes under the validation.
2.      Validation uses methods like Black Box Testing, White Box Testing and non-functional testing.
3.      Validation can find bugs, errors or defects that the verification process cannot catch.
4.      Validation comes after verifications.

Explore in detail..
By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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