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AngularJs vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4 vs Angular 5 vs Angular 6

What Is AngularJs, Angular 2, 4, 5 and 6?
Angular is a most popular open source, web development framework for developing mobile apps as well as desktop applications.
Angular framework is also utilized in the cross platform mobile development called IONIC and so it is not limited to web apps only.
Angular is an open source framework written and maintained by angular team at Google and the Father of Angular is Misko Hevery.
Angular 2 vs. Angular 1 Angular 4 vs. Angular 2 Angular 5 vs. Angular 4 Angular 6 vs Angular 5

Misko Hevery - Agile Coach at Google, Attended Santa Clara University and Lives in Saratoga, CA.
What Are the Differences between AngularJs vs. Angular 2 vs. 4 vs. 5 vs. 6?

The core differences and many more advantages on Angular vs. AngularJs as following -
1.      Angular 2 is entirely component based while The AngularJs is based on model-view-controller (MVC) design.
2.      Better change detection
3.      Angular 2 has better performance while AngularJs has less performance.
4.      Angular 2 has more powerful template system.
5.      Angular 2 provide simpler APIs, lazy loading and easier to application debugging.
6.      Angular 2 much more testable
7.      Angular 2 provides to nested level components.
8.      Angular uses @RouteConfig{(…)} while AngularJs uses $routeprovider.when() to configure routing.
9.      Ahead of Time compilation (AOT) improves rendering speed
10.  Angular 2 execute run more than two programs at the same time.
11.  Angularjs is controllers and $scope based but Angular 2 is component based.
12.  The Angular 2 structural directives syntax is changed like ng-repeat is replaced with *ngFor etc.
13.  In Angular 2, local variables are defined using prefix (#) hash. You can see the below *ngFor loop Example.
14.  TypeScript can be used for developing Angular 2 applications
15.  Angular uses Microsoft’s TypeScript language, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6) while AngularJs is written in JavaScript.
16.  Angular focuses on “( )” for event binding and “[ ]” for property binding while AngularJs bind an image/property or an event with AngularJS, you have to remember the right ng directive.
17.  Better syntax and application structure
18.  Angular 2 and 4 both feature mobile support while AngularJs was not built with mobile support.

Angular 4 contains some additional Enhancement and Improvement. Consider the following -
1.      Smaller & Faster Apps
2.      View Engine Size Reduce
3.      Animation Package
4.      NgIf and ngFor Improvement
5.      Template
6.      NgIf with Else
7.      Use of AS keyword
8.      Pipes
9.      HTTP Request Simplified
10.  Apps Testing Simplified
11.  Introduce Meta Tags
12.  Added some Forms Validators Attributes
13.  Added Compare Select Options
14.  Enhancement in Router
15.  Added Optional Parameter
16.  Improvement Internationalization

Angular 5 contains some additional Enhancement and Improvement. Consider the following -
Angular 5 is going to be a much better angular and you will be able to take advantage of it much easier and it contains bunch of new features, performance improvements and lot of bug fixes and also some surprises to Angular lovers.
1.      Make AOT the default
2.      Watch mode
3.      Type checking in templates
4.      More flexible metadata
5.      Remove *.ngfactory.ts files
6.      Better error messages
7.      Smooth upgrades
8.      Tree-Shakeable components
9.      Hybrid Upgrade Application

Angular 6 contains some additional Enhancement and Improvement. Consider the following -
Off-course! Angular 6 being smaller, faster and easier to use and it will making developers life easier.
1.      Typescript 2.7+ supports
2.      Added Angular Material and CDK Stable
3.      Component Dev Kit (CDK) - CDK allows you to build your own library of UI components using Angular Material.
4.      Improved decorator error messages
5.      Fix platform-detection example for Universal
6.      Ivy Renderer - It is a new backward compatible and main focused area - speed improvements, size reduction, and increased flexibility.
7.      Add afterContentInit and afterContentChecked to render
8.      Added to supports of nativeElement
9.      Added Optional generic type for ElementRef
10.  Bazel Compiler - Bazel only rebuilds what is necessary.
11.  Added Test Comment
12.  Add missing lifecycle tests for projected components
13.  Closure Compiler - Closure Compiler consistently generates smaller bundles.
14.  Rename QueryPredicate to LQuery and LQuery to LQueries
15.  Service Worker - Service worker is a script that runs in the web browser. It also manages caching for an application.
16.  Added multiple validators for array method of FormBuilder
17.  Handle string with and without line boundary - Now Handle string with and without line boundary (^ & $) on pattern validators. Previously, it works with string not boundaries.
18.  AbstractControl statusChanges - Previous version, not emits an event when you called “markAsPending” but now emits an event of "PENDING" when we call AbstractControl markAsPending.
19.  Updates on NgModelChange - Now emitted after value and validity is updated on its control. Previously, it was emitted before updated.
20.  Allow HttpInterceptors to inject HttpClient
21.  Add navigationSource and restoredState to NavigationStart
22.  Add type and hooks to directive def
23.  Enable size tracking of a minimal CLI render3 application
24.  Add canonical view query
25.  Language Service – The 2.6 version of Typescript’s “resolveModuleName” started to require paths passed to be separated by '/' instead of being able to handle '\'.

By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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