Angular 2 Features –
· Angular 2 is Entirely Component Based
· Directives
· Dependency Injection
· Used of TypeScript
· Used of Lambdas or Arrow functions
· Generics
· Forms and Validations
Component Based- It is entirely component based. It is not used to scope and controllers and Angular 2 are fully replaced by components and directives.
Directives- The directive can be declared as @Directive annotation.
A component is a directive with a template and the @Component decorator is actually a @Directive decorator extended with template oriented features.
Dependency Injection- Dependency Injection is a powerful pattern for managing code dependencies. There are more opportunities for component and object based to improve the dependency injection.
Use of TypeScript- Type represents the different types of values which are using in the programming languages and it checks the validity of the supplied values before they are manipulated by your programs.
Generics- TypeScript has generics which can be used in the front-end development.
Lambdas and Arrow functions – In the TypeScript, lambdas/ arrow functions are available. The arrow function is additional feature in typescript and it is also known as a lambda function.
Forms and Validations- Angular 2 forms and validations are an important aspect of front-end development.
Why You Used Angular 2?
1. It is entirely component based.
2. Better change detection
3. Angular2 has better performance.
4. Angular2 has more powerful template system.
5. Angular2 provide simpler APIs, lazy loading and easier to application debugging.
6. Angular2 much more testable
7. Angular2 provides to nested level components.
8. Ahead of Time compilation (AOT) improves rendering speed
9. Angular2 execute run more than two programs at the same time.
10. Angular1 is controllers and $scope based but Angular2 is component based.
11. The Angular2 structural directives syntax is changed like ng-repeat is replaced with *ngFor etc.
12. In Angular2, local variables are defined using prefix (#) hash. You can see the below *ngFor loop Example.
13. TypeScript can be used for developing Angular 2 applications
14. Better syntax and application structure