In this post, I am sharing MongoDb’s “Help methods” and the details on
specific methods including syntax and also for examples to go to below
reference links.
Stayed Informed - Apache Cassandra vs. Mongodb
Stayed Informed - Apache Cassandra vs. Mongodb
– It is used to switches to “admin” db and runs command.
– It is returns the help for the command.
todb, fromhost)
{ size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } )
viewOn, [ { $operator: {...}}, ... ], { viewOptions } )
– Used to create the users.
– It is used to displays currently executing operations in the db.
10. dropDatabase()
– It’s used to drop db.
11. eval()
– It is used to deprecated.
12. fsyncLock()
– It’s used to flush data to disk and lock server for backups.
13. fsyncUnlock()
– It’s used to unlocks server following a db.fsyncLock().
14. getCollection(cname)
– It’s used to same as db['cname'] or db.cname
15. getCollectionInfos([filter])
– It is returns a list that contains the names and options of the dbs
16. getCollectionNames()
– It used to get the collections name.
17. getLastError()
– It is returns the error message string.
18. getLastErrorObj()
– It is return full status object.
19. getLogComponents() - It is used to get log.
20. getMongo()
– It used to get the server connection object.
21. getMongo().setSlaveOk() - It used to allow queries on a replication
slave server.
22. getName()
– It is used to get the name.
23. getPrevError()
- It is used to get the previous error.
24. getProfilingLevel()
– It is used to profile deprecated.
25. getProfilingStatus()
– It is returns, if profiling is on and slow threshold.
26. getReplicationInfo()
– It is used to display the replication Information.
27. getSiblingDB(name)
- It used to get the db at the same
server as this one.
28. getWriteConcern()
– It is returns the write concern used for any operations on this db, inherited
from server object if set.
29. hostInfo()
- It is used to get details about the
servers host.
30. isMaster()
– It use to check the replica primary status.
31. killOp(opid)
- It use to kills the current operation
in the db.
32. listCommands()
– It use to lists all the db commands.
33. loadServerScripts()
– It is loads all the scripts in db.system.js.
34. logout()
– It is used to logout.
35. printCollectionStats()
– It is used to print the collections status.
36. printReplicationInfo()
– It is used to print the replication information.
37. printShardingStatus()
- It is used to print the sharding status.
38. printSlaveReplicationInfo()
39. dropUser(username)
- It is used to drop the existing users.
40. repairDatabase()
– It is used to repair the database.
41. resetError()
– It is used to reset the error msg.
42. runCommand(cmdObj)
– It use to run a database command. if
cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 }.
43. serverStatus()
– It used to display the server status.
44. setLogLevel(level,<component>)
45. setProfilingLevel(level,<slowms>)
0=off 1=slow 2=all
46. setWriteConcern(
<write concern doc> ) – It use to sets the write concern for writes to
the db.
47. unsetWriteConcern(
<write concern doc> ) – It use to unsets the write concern for writes to
the db.
48. setVerboseShell(flag)
– It used to display extra information in shell output.
49. shutdownServer()
– It used to shout down the server.
50. stats()
– It is used to display the stats.
51. version()
– It is used to display the current version of the server.
Informed – 117 Best MongoDB Tutorials with Examples
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