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161 Best CSS Properties, Values and Examples [How To]

CSS Properties Start with “A”

align-items align-self align-content
all appearance animation

CSS Properties Start with “B”

background background-color background-image
background-clip background-origin background-position
background-repeat background-size background-attachment
background-blend-mode backface-visibility bleed
border border-collapse border-image
border-radius bottom box-decoration-break
box-shadow box-sizing break-inside

CSS Properties Start with “C”

clear clip-path caption-side
color column-count column-fill
column-width columns content
column-gap column-rule column-span
counter-increment counter-reset cursor

CSS Properties Start with “A”

direction display

CSS Properties Start with “E”


CSS Properties Start with “F”

fill filter flex
flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow
flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap
float font font-family
font-feature-settings font-size font-size-adjust
font-stretch font-style font-variant

CSS Properties Start with “G”

grid-row grid-column grid-row-align
grid-column-align grid-row-span grid-column-span
grid-rows grid-columns

CSS Properties Start with “H”

hanging-punctuation height hyphens

CSS Properties Start with “I”

image-rendering initial-letter isolation

CSS Properties Start with “J”


CSS Properties Start with “L”

left letter-spacing line-height

CSS Properties Start with “M”

margin max-height max-width
min-height min-width mix-blend-mode

CSS Properties Start with “O”

object-fit object-position offset-distance
offset-path offset-rotation opacity
order orphans outline
overflow overflow-wrap

CSS Properties Start with “P”

padding page-break perspective
perspective-origin pointer-events position

CSS Properties Start with “Q”


CSS Properties Start with “R”

resize right

CSS Properties Start with “S”

scrollbar shape-outside stroke
stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap

CSS Properties Start with “T”

tab-size table-layout text-align
text-align-last text-decoration text-decoration-color
text-decoration-line text-decoration-skip text-decoration-style
text-indent text-rendering text-shadow
text-stroke text-transform text-underline-position
top transform transform-origin
transform-style transition transition-delay
transition-duration transition-property transition-timing-function

CSS Properties Start with “U”

unicode-bidi user-select

CSS Properties Start with “V”

vertical-align visibility

CSS Properties Start with “W”

white-space widows width
will-change word-break word-spacing

CSS Properties Start with “Z”

z-index zoom

I hope you are enjoying with this post! Please share with you friends. Thank you!!
By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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