The @@ROWCOUNT is a special variable of SQL. It will return the number of rows changed by the last statement.
The @@RowCount is equal to (=) the number of rows changed by the last statement.
Syntax: - @@ROWCOUNT
The @@RowCount is equal to (=) the number of rows changed by the last statement.
Syntax: - @@ROWCOUNT
Return Types: - INT
What is the scope of @@RowCount?
What is the scope of @@RowCount?
The @@RowCount is both the scope and connection safe and it is read only!
For example as,
For example as,
-- DECLARE RETURN TABLE DECLARE @Return_Table TABLE (Code varchar(10) ,Message varchar(100), ID varchar(100)) --UPDATE CUSTOMER QUERY UPDATE Customer SET Name = N'Anil Singh' WHERE Id = 0786 --USE OF @@ROWCOUNT IF (@@ROWCOUNT > 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Return_Table (Code, Message, ID) SELECT 'OK', 'SUCCESS', SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT Code, Message, ID FROM @Return_Table END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @Return_Table (Code, Message, ID) SELECT 'ERROR', 'Warning - No rows updated.', SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT Code, Message, ID FROM @Return_Table END GO
Keep in Mind an Interesting point:-
@@ROWCOUNT is returns only integer value. Suppose that, you are working on bulk insert operations and you are updating millions of records in the database table that time @@ROWCOUNT is fail to returns the count values because it is an integer return types and your effected millions of rows in the table.
In that case, we are using ROWCOUNT_BIG() method to achieve this because it is bigint returns types.
Syntax: - ROWCOUNT_BIG()
Return Types: - BIGINT
For example as,-- DECLARE RETURN TABLE DECLARE @Return_Table TABLE (Code varchar(10) ,Message varchar(100), ID varchar(100)) --INSERT CUSTOMER ROWS INSERT INTO ContactType(Code, Description, IsCurrent, CreatedBy, CreatedOn) VALUES ('IT-PROGRAMING', 'This is a Prrogrammer!', 1, 'Anil Singh', GETDATE()); --USE OF ROWCOUNT_BIG() METHOD IF (ROWCOUNT_BIG() > 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Return_Table (Code, Message, ID) SELECT 'OK', 'SUCCESS', SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT Code, Message, ID FROM @Return_Table END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @Return_Table (Code, Message, ID) SELECT 'ERROR', 'Warning - No rows updated.', SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT Code, Message, ID FROM @Return_Table END GO
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