What is @@IDENTITY in SQL?
The @@IDENTITY is a system function which returns the last inserted identity value.
All the @@IDENTITY, SCOPE_IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT are similar functions because all are return the last inserted value into the table’s IDENTITY columns.
The @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY return the current session last identity value but the SCOPE_IDENTITY returns the current scope value.
What is the scope of @@IDENTITY?
In the @@IDENTITY, there are no any limitations for a specific scope.
Syntax: - @@IDENTITY
Return Type: - numeric (38, 0)
For example as,
-- USE OF @@IDENTITY INSERT INTO ContactType(Code, Description, IsCurrent, CreatedBy, CreatedOn) VALUES ('IT-PROGRAMING', 'This is a Prrogrammer!', 1, 'Anil Singh', GETDATE()); GO SELECT @@IDENTITY AS 'COL_IDENTITY'; GO
-- DECLARE RETURN TABLE DECLARE @Return_Table TABLE (Code varchar(10) ,Message varchar(100), ID varchar(100)) --INSERT CONTACT TYPE INSERT INTO ContactType(Code, Description, IsCurrent, CreatedBy, CreatedOn) VALUES ('IT-PROGRAMING', 'This is a Prrogrammer!', 1, 'Anil Singh', GETDATE()); --USE SCOPE_IDENTITY IF (@@ERROR <> 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Return_Table (Code, Message, ID) SELECT 'ERROR', 'An error occurred in updating the customer.', SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT Code, Message, ID FROM @Return_Table END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @Return_Table (Code, Message, ID) SELECT 'OK', 'SUCCESS', SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT Code, Message, ID FROM @Return_Table END GO
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