Hello everyone, Today's I am going to share the
code-sample for disable specific days of jQuery UI Datepicker.
The example in
detail as given below.
Date Picker HTML code
<input id="datepickerWithDisabledDate" />
Date Picker
JavaScript code sample
// List of days to be
disabled as an array.
var disabledDates = ["10-3-2015", "10-11-2015", "10-25-2015", "12-20-2014"];
function disableSpecificDates(date)
var month =
var day =
var year =
// First converted to date to
our format date like (mm-dd-yyyy) etc.
//After that we will
increment the months count by 1.
var currentdate = (month
+ 1) + '-'
+ day + '-'
+ year;
return [$.inArray(currentdate,
disabledDates) == -1];
beforeShowDay: disableSpecificDates