I am going to share the code sample for how to allow only numbers in the textbox field using jQuery.
Table of Content
1. HTML code sample
2. jQuery code sample
In the 1st step, we write HTML code for text-box where i can apply to onkeypress event and call to JavaScript method.
jQuery :
In the 2nd, code sample for jQuery as given below.
Table of Content
1. HTML code sample
2. jQuery code sample
In the 1st step, we write HTML code for text-box where i can apply to onkeypress event and call to JavaScript method.
<input type="text" id="txtFilter" onkeypress="return
jQuery :
In the 2nd, code sample for jQuery as given below.
<script type="text/javascript">
function isNumberFilter(keyEvent) {
var keyResult = (keyEvent.which) ? keyEvent.which :
if (keyResult > 31 && (keyResult < 48 ||
keyResult > 57))
return false;
return true;