Hello everyone,
I'm going to share the code sample of show hide div (content menu) using Knockoutjs and jquery in mvc 4.
I have a requirement to show the div onMouseOver and hide the div onMouseOut in Knockoutjs application.
Table of contents
1. show the div on-mouse-over from div.
2. hide the div on-mouse-out from div.
Here have two steps.
1. In the Step-1, code sample for view.
2. In the Step-2, code smple for viewModel.
Step-1 : view code sample
<ul data-bind="foreach: mDateTime">
Step-2 : jQuery code sample
I'm going to share the code sample of show hide div (content menu) using Knockoutjs and jquery in mvc 4.
I have a requirement to show the div onMouseOver and hide the div onMouseOut in Knockoutjs application.
Table of contents
1. show the div on-mouse-over from div.
2. hide the div on-mouse-out from div.
Here have two steps.
1. In the Step-1, code sample for view.
2. In the Step-2, code smple for viewModel.
Step-1 : view code sample
<ul data-bind="foreach: $root.matter.index.type()[$data]">
<div id="hover" onmouseover="onMouseOver(this)" onmouseout="onMouseOut(this)">
<a href="#" ><img src="~/path.jpg" data-bind="text: matterId" /></a>
<div id="box" style="display: none">
<a href="#">Edit</a>
<a href="#">Copy</a>
<a href="#">Delete</a>
<a href="#">Delete</a>
<li data-bind="text: matterTitle"></li>
<li data-bind="text: matterComment"></li>
Step-2 : jQuery code sample
<script type="text/javascript">
the div onmouseover.
function onMouseOver(obj) {
var currentDiv = obj;
var divToShow = $(currentDiv).next("#box");
to div onmouseout
function onMouseOut(obj) {