For starting a new app using Ionic! Use your command line and run below command-
Result looks like -
- ionic start myApp tutorial
start - will tell the CLI create a new app.
myApp - will be the directory name and the app name from your project.
tutorial - will be the starter template for your project.
For new guys, Ionic has a few default templates -
1. tabs - a simple 3 tab layout
2. sidemenu - a layout with a toggle menu on the side
3. blank - a bare starter with a single page
4. super - starter project with over 14 ready to use page designs
5. tutorial - a guided starter project
Viewing the Angular 4 Apps in a Browser Using Ionic 3 CLI
Now, you can cd into the folder that was created. To get a quick preview of your app in the browser using the serve command
o myApp
o ionic serve
Result looks like -
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