Ionic 3 CLI and Angular 4 for Build Mobile Apps!
Here’s some of what you will learn Step-by-Step,
a. Installing
Ionic Framework
i. Ionic
CLI and Cordova
ii. MPM
b. Start
an App
c. Run
your App
The Ionic Framework is use for building
high-quality mobile apps using the CLI and Cordova. I hope you love.
is the Ionic CLI?
The CLI, or command line interface, is a tool
that provides a number of helpful commands to Ionic + Angular developers.
of Contents –
Installing Ionic Framework
Ionic CLI and Cordova
Start an App
Run your App
1 - Installing Ionic Framework
The Ionic apps are created and developed by using
the Ionic command line utility (the “CLI”) and use Cordova to build and deploy
the native app.
Before start the developed of Ionic apps, we need
to install some utilities. Ionic is built on top of Cordova, a framework that
enables development for cross platforms apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- npm is the package manager for node.js. It allows us to install, share, and
package node modules.
CLI and Cordova - Before create the Ionic projects, we
will need to install the latest version of the CLI, Cordova and latest version
of Node.js.
After finished latest version of Node.js
Installer, we install the Ionic CLI and Cordova for native app development
using the commands to install the utilities globally.
For Windows –
npm install -g ionic cordova
For Mac -
use “sudo” depending on your system configuration
sudo npm install -g cordova ionic
2 - Start an App
Once installed the globally utilities, create
your first Ionic app using the commands.
ionic start myApp sidemenu
That is the syntax for a new project in Ionic.
- will be the directory name and the app name from your project.
- ionic start myApp sidemenu. This is starter template for your project.
The myApp is any name of your choice and sidemenu
is one of the Ionic supported template. The appname and template name is
decided by you as per your requirements.
Ionic 3 Framework, default supported template -
1. blank
- ionic start myApp blank
2. tabs
- ionic start myApp tabs
3. sidemenu
- ionic start myApp sidemenu
4. super
- starter project with over 14 ready to use page designs
5. tutorial
- a guided starter project
3 - Run your App
For viewing the app in a browser, we need to run
below command
cd myApp
ionic serve
Starting Angular 4 Apps using Ionic 3 CLI Commands
For starting a new app using Ionic! Use your command
line and run below command-
ionic start myApp tutorial
- will tell the CLI create a new app.
- will be the directory name and the app name from your project.
- will be the starter template for your project.
For new guys, Ionic has a few default templates -
1. tabs
- a simple 3 tab layout
2. sidemenu
- a layout with a toggle menu on the side
3. blank
- a bare starter with a single page
4. super
- starter project with over 14 ready to use page designs
5. tutorial
- a guided starter project
Viewing the Angular 4 Apps in a Browser Using Ionic 3 CLI
Now, you can cd into the folder that was created.
To get a quick preview of your app in the browser using the serve command
ionic serve
looks like -
The commands and its description
1. start-
This command is used to create
a new project
2. generate-
This command is used to generate
pipes, components, pages, directives, providers and tabs
3. serve-
This command
is used to start a local dev server for app dev/testing
4. build
- This command
is used to Build web assets and prepare your app for any
platform targets
5. docs
- This command
is used to Open the Ionic documentation website
6. info
- This command
is used to Print system/environment info
7. link-
This command
is used to Connect your local app to Ionic
8. login-
This command
is used to Login with your Ionic ID
9. signup
- This command
is used to Create an Ionic account
10. telemetry-
This command is used to Opt
in and out of telemetry
11. upload-
This command
is used to Upload a new snapshot of your app
12. config get-
This command
is used to Print config values
13. config set-
This command
is used to Set config values
14. cordova build-
This command
is used to Build an Ionic project for a given platform
15. cordova compile-
This command
is used to compile native platform code
16. cordova emulate-
This command
is used to Emulate an Ionic project on a simulator or
17. cordova platform-
This command
is used to Manage Cordova platform targets
18. cordova plugin
- This command
is used to Manage Cordova plugins
19. cordova prepare
- This command
is used to Copies assets to Cordova platforms, preparing
them for native builds
20. cordova resources
- This command
is used to Automatically create icon and splash screen
21. package build-
This command
is used to Start a package build
22. package download-
This command
is used to Download your packaged app
23. package list
- This command
is used to List your cloud builds
24. package info
- This command
is used to Get info about a build
25. cordova run
- This command
is used to Run an Ionic project on a connected device
Global and Project Command -
Generating New Pages in Angular 4 Apps using Ionic 3 CLI and Manually
Let’s start adding new pages. The ionic generate
command is used to create new structure and files automatically. We can also create
new structure and files manually as per our requirements.
ionic generate [<type>] [<name>]
Command -
The given name is normalized into an appropriate
naming convention. The given name is normalized into an appropriate naming
convention. Ionic generate page login creates a page by the name of login-page
and the directory- src/pages/login/
The entire generated files are looks like -
See the below screen for Login, Register and
Users -
example, you can see the above generated files in the
project directory (src/pages/login) code looks like -
Login.html -
Login.module.ts –
{ NgModule } from
{ IonicPageModule } from
{ LoginPage } from
declarations: [
imports: [
class LoginPageModule
background-color: gray
Login.ts –
{ Component } from
{ IonicPage, NavController,
NavParams } from
* Generated class for the Login page.
selector: 'page-login',
templateUrl: 'login.html',
class LoginPage
navCtrl: NavController,
public navParams:
NavParams) {
ionViewDidLoad() {
Others Ionic Commands also Available for Angular 4 Projects
1. Pipes,
2. Components,
3. Directives,
4. Providers
5. Tabs
Syntax –
ionic generate [<pipes>]
ionic generate [<components>]
ionic generate [<directives>]
ionic generate [<providers>]
ionic generate [<tabs>]
Example –
ionic generate component
ionic generate directive
ionic generate page
ionic generate pipe
ionic generate provider
ionic generate tabs
ionic generate component demoApp
ionic generate page Login
ionic generate page register
ionic generate page users --constants
ionic generate pipe MyCustomPipe
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