List of Useful Ionic Commands
The commands and its description
1. start- This command is used to create a new project
2. generate- This command is used to generate pipes, components, pages, directives, providers and tabs
3. serve- This command is used to start a local dev server for app dev/testing
4. build - This command is used to Build web assets and prepare your app for any platform targets
5. docs - This command is used to Open the Ionic documentation website
6. info - This command is used to Print system/environment info
7. link- This command is used to Connect your local app to Ionic
8. login- This command is used to Login with your Ionic ID
9. signup - This command is used to Create an Ionic account
10. telemetry- This command is used to Opt in and out of telemetry
11. upload- This command is used to Upload a new snapshot of your app
12. config get- This command is used to Print config values
13. config set- This command is used to Set config values
14. cordova build- This command is used to Build an Ionic project for a given platform
15. cordova compile- This command is used to compile native platform code
16. cordova emulate- This command is used to Emulate an Ionic project on a simulator or emulator
17. cordova platform- This command is used to Manage Cordova platform targets
18. cordova plugin - This command is used to Manage Cordova plugins
19. cordova prepare - This command is used to Copies assets to Cordova platforms, preparing them for native builds
20. cordova resources - This command is used to Automatically create icon and splash screen resources
21. package build- This command is used to Start a package build
22. package download- This command is used to Download your packaged app
23. package list - This command is used to List your cloud builds
24. package info - This command is used to Get info about a build
25. cordova run - This command is used to Run an Ionic project on a connected device
The Global and Project Command -
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