A “HAVING” Clause is use to filter a records using “GROUP BY” Clause and without GROUP BY clause, the HAVING work like a WHERE clause. Only the groups that meet the HAVING criteria will be returned.
According to Wikipedia,
A “HAVING” clause in SQL specifies that an SQL SELECT statement should only return rows where aggregate values meet the specified conditions.
SELECT columnName FROM TableName WHERE condition GROUP BY columnName HAVING condition --WITH ORDER BY:- SELECT columnName FROM TableName WHERE condition GROUP BY columnName HAVING condition ORDER BY columnName
SELECT COUNT(Id) AS Counts, CountryName FROM Countries GROUP BY CountryName HAVING COUNT(Id) < 5
Counts CountryName -------------------- 1 Australia 1 India 1 Nepal 1 Rasia 1 USA
Other Example,
SELECT COUNT(Id) AS [Count], CountryName FROM Countries WHERE CountryName <> 'INDIA' GROUP BY CountryName HAVING COUNT(Id) <= 5 ORDER BY COUNT(Id) DESC
Count CountryName ------------------- 1 Australia 1 Nepal 1 Rasia 1 USA
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