15 Tips for Creating an Unbreakable Password
That You Can Remember! “How to Create Strong Passwords That You Can
Remember Easily”?
In this post, I
am going to share to some “Tips for Strong, Secure Passwords & Other Authentication
Tools” that “Create Strong Passwords”
for you and remember easily and also “Tips
for Creating an Unbreakable Password”!
Many “sites” already discussed about “Creating Strong Password” but “I”
added some new idea for “Un-breakable” strong
passwords and multiple examples with considering
latest security! These latest securities make you unique.
Attention online
Payment users like (Paytm, freecharge, PayValet etc.). Actually, every “Indian” is moving towards digitally to make success “DIGITAL INDIA” and this “Tips” help to peoples in the “daily life” and make secure and easier
to access Online Payments!
When you
creating a password “do you think?”
it is “Right or Wrong!” password for you?
What Makes A “Password Safe”?
Creating a “passwords”
for your online accounts is not a “task”.
It is a “critical task” for you! And you must to know “how to create strong passwords”. This step is playing an important
role to “online accounts” and preventing
from hackers also!
“6 Tips” to makes a “Password Safe” as
1. Never ever give out your password to anyone! It
is so dangerous!
2. You don’t use one password for multiple sites.
3. Create a passwords that hard to guess and
easy to remember.
4. Create a password at least 9 characters long
including the numbers, capital and small letters and also add some special characters.
5. Don’t use dictionary words in your “Password”!
6. Don’t prepare your “credentials” note
anywhere like excel, notepad or sticky note etc.
“How to” create a “Strong Password”?
Many sites
already discussed this in detail but “I”
added some new un-breakable strong passwords and multiple examples as
1. Add special characters such as @[]()#$%^&!{~}|
2. Start and End with a special characters like “[],
{} or ()”.
3. Password must be at least 8 characters.
4. It must not contain dictionary words in the
5. It must not contain a common word such like
123, password, your mobile number or birth date etc.
Suppose that
your name is “Aradhya Singh” and I going
to create a “Strong Password” for
easy remember using following formulas,
1. Start and end with special characters like “[],
{} or ()”.
2. Replace all “a” characters with “@”.
3. Replace all “s” characters with “$”.
4. Replace all “o” characters with “0’.
5. Replace all “i” characters with “!”.
In that case you’re
“Password look likes”,
(@r@dhy@$ingh@AIXSBANK), {Aradhya$!ngh@2016} Aradhya%S!ngh@2016 etc.
Is that “enough”?
No! It is not
enough. Trying to change your Password repeatedly! And follow with above
formulas and below security expert’s suggestions!
Is it ok to “Reuse Passwords”?
No! Don’t try to
“Reuse Passwords” for multiple sites
and try to avoid it. Otherwise, hackers can hack your online banking account or
your personal information etc.
“Should I” change my Passwords?
Most of all security
experts inform to users to update your “Passwords”
repeatedly! It is very helpful to you! And don’t try to reuse older passwords
and keep avoid otherwise your account will Hacked by some hackers.
What more can “I do”?
Use multi factor
identifications which ask users to enter identification to verify like as OTP
code to their phone, emails or security questions and answers etc. It will protect
“What about” social media security?
When you are on
social media sites, make sure your settings and you can adjust that in the
settings and restrict as per “YOU” that means more security keep safe you!
When you use “Public” WiFi?
When you use “Public WiFi” to access internet on your
devices beavers and keep in mind “You
are safe? Or Not!”.
Here, I am share
“best 5 Ways” to stay “Safe” from “Hackers”,
1. Prefer HTTPS encrypted sites to access public
2. Turn off your “WiFi” when not in use!
3. Keep watching out for that “Hotspot”!
4. Don’t use “Repeated Passwords”, it is noxious for you!
5. Tyr to use “Virtual Private Network” - VP
“How to” get hacked your Password?
1. “Dictionary
Attacks”: Don’t use
dictionary words like “Animals name”, “Vegetables name” etc.
2. “Simple
Password”: Don’t use simple
password like “aradhya123” or “1234568” or your name or mobile numbers!
3. “Reuse
of Passwords”:
Don’t use same password in your multiple site logins or Transactions!
4. “Cyber
Café”: Don’t use
Cyber Cafe for Internet banking or anything your personal data!
5. “Untrusted
Emails”: Don’t Open Untrusted emails on your PC or mobiles it is very
harmful to you!
6. “Http Sites”:
Trying to use “Https” sites for
Internet banking and others!
7. “Logging
Out”: Don’t forget logging out your applications!
8. “Less Verification”:
Try to “Use 2” steps verification like mobile or email verification code etc.