Hello everyone, I am going to share the code sample for angular 2 toggle button.
<button (click)="toggle()">Toggle Button</button>
//The Example for Angular2 Toggle as given below!
//Step-1 //Import root component. import {Component, View, CORE_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/angular2' //Step-2 //Component @Component({ selector: 'toggle-app', bindings: [] }) //Step-3 //View template. @View({ template: ` <div> <button (click)="toggle()">Toggle Button</button> </div> <div class="border"> <div *ng-if="isActive"> <h1>Hello Angular 2, Toggle Button.</h1> </div> </div> <p>Status(isActive): {{isActive}}</p> `, directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES] }) //Toggle class App for active and hide div. export class App { isActive: bool = true; toggle() { this.isActive = !this.isActive; } }
Example - live demo as given below.