What is array? Array is a collection
of index items and it is a number indexes.
Some of programming language support
array as named indexes and the JavaScript not support the array as name indexes
and its provide only number indexes but provide this feature using the
associative array.
The array with name indexes are
called associative array and the associative array is provide a ways to store
the information.
The number index array example as
given below
var users
= new Object();
users["Name1"] = "Anil 1";
users["Name2"] = "Anil 2";
users["Age"] = 33;
alert(Object.keys(users).length); //output is 3.
var length
= Object.keys(users).length; // 3
The name index array example as given below
The name index array example as given below
var users
= [];
users["Name1"] = "Anil 1";
users["Name2"] = "Anil 2";
users["Age"] = 33;
var length
= users.length; // users.length will return 0
var detail
= users[0];
// users[0] will
return undefined
I am going to explain the associate
array over the database table columns. A table have some columns and its type.
The empName as text type, empAge as
number type and enpDOB as date type.
If we need to find the type of a
column that time we can create the associate array. i.e.
var empDetailType = new Array();
empDetailType["empName"] = "ANil";
empDetailType["empAge"] = 30;
empDetailType["empDOB"] = "10/03/1984";
console.log("Find the emp age type :" +