is Node.js?
Node.js is
an open source and it does provide the run-time environment for
creating the server side applications and it's
used to develop the real time server and networking applications.
Node.js written in JavaScript and the JavaScript code compile by V8 Google and then convert JavaScript code to machine code (native code) and it’s run on the Window, Linux and IBM etc.
support to the event driven architecture pattern and it handles I/O.
Features of Node.js
It is an asynchronous and event-driven
Single-threaded event-driven system
It is very lightweight
and fast.
Easy to configure
Node never buffering
It is highly scalable but single threaded.
Safe and secure.
Where to use Node.js?
The ability to handle the thousands of concurrent connections with single process and minimum overhead using the JavaScript developed the server applications and networking applications.
Single Page Applications
Streaming Data
A Real-time Applications like online
games, collaboration tools and chat rooms etc.
I/O bound Applications
APIs based Applications
JSON based Applications
PROXY Applications
Where not to use Node.js?
Nested callback hell.
In Node.js, any CPU intensive
computation will block the responsiveness.
Dealing with files can be a bit of a
In Node.js, the relational database
is a bit of a pain.
It's asynchronous programming model
not for synchronous model.
Who uses it?
Google, IBM, LinkedIn, PayPal, Netflix, Groupon,
Uber, GoDaddy etc.