‘Why” and “When”?
This article introduces to 13 new key Features for
MVC 6 and Roslyn Compiler and let’s explore in detail without writing the code.
the live example of the vNext code shown in this page!
Key Features as following as,
=> The Microsoft make a bundle of MVC, Web API, WebPages, SignalR , that bundle we called MVC 6.
=> In MVC 6, Microsoft removed the dependency of system.web.dll from MVC 6 because it's so expensive. Typically it consume 30K memory per request/response.
=> Right now, in MVC 6 consume 2K memory per request response. It's too small memory consume.
=> Most of the problem solved using the Roslyn Compiler.
=> Its also added to TagHeaplers use to creating and enable server side code on HTML elements in the razor view. i.e.
@addTagHelper "*, Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.TagHelpers"
=> The work of Roslyn compiler as given below image.
=> Added a Start-up class that replaces to global.asax file.
=> The Session state and caching adjust our behavior depending on your hosting environment.
=> Host agnostic.
=> True side-by-side deployment.
=> The vNext is a cross platform and open source. and it's also supported to Mac, Linux, etc.
=> Its also added to TagHeaplers use to creating and enable server side code on HTML elements in the razor view. i.e.
@addTagHelper "*, Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.TagHelpers"
=> The work of Roslyn compiler as given below image.
=> The ASP .Net vNext used the Roslyn Compiler, By using Roslyn compiler do not need to compile the application Its compile automatically the application code.
=> The .Net vNext has the new project extension project.json. Basically project.json contain the all dependency DLL of the application.