Hello everyone, i'm going to share the code sample for create Kendo UI DropDownList
Table of Constants
1. Kendo ui Dropdownlist by using MVC API and jquery.
2. Kendo ui Dropdownlist by using MVC 5 and MVC ViewBag
Kendo ui dropdownlist by using API and jquery
For more details you can visit below discussion links..
1. Kendo ui Dropdownlist by using MVC API and jquery.
2. Kendo ui Dropdownlist by using MVC 5 and MVC ViewBag
Kendo ui dropdownlist by using API and jquery
public class TenantController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Tenant> GetTenants()
List<Tenant> objTenant = new List<Tenant>();
objTenant = GetTenantFormDB().ToList();
ViewBag.Tenant = objTenant;
catch (Exception ex) {
log error in db.
return objTenant;
optionLabel: "Please select a tenant...",
dataTextField: "Name",
dataValueField: "ID",
dataSource: {
type: "json",
serverFiltering: true,
transport: {
read: "http://localhost:80/API/Tenant/GetTenants"
change: function change(e) {
//TODO :
The url (http://localhost:80/API/Tenant/GetTenants) call the API controller and return back the result and bind data source.
The url (http://localhost:80/API/Tenant/GetTenants) call the API controller and return back the result and bind data source.
Kendo ui dropdownlist by using MVC 5 and MVC ViewBag
.HtmlAttributes(new { })
.OptionLabel("Please select a tenant...")
For more details you can visit below discussion links..