Hello everyone,
I'm going to share the code sample for nested foreach in knockout js.
Table of Contents.
1. observableArray collection "selection.selectionItems([])".
2. code sample for view.
Step 1: In this step, we collect the data in observableArray collection i.e. "selection.selectionItems".
Step 2 : In the 2nd step, nested foreach for selectionItems which are given below.
I'm going to share the code sample for nested foreach in knockout js.
Table of Contents.
1. observableArray collection "selection.selectionItems([])".
2. code sample for view.
Step 1: In this step, we collect the data in observableArray collection i.e. "selection.selectionItems".
Step 2 : In the 2nd step, nested foreach for selectionItems which are given below.
<div data-bind="foreach: selection.selectionItems">
<div data-bind="foreach: SelectionItems">
<h5 data-bind="text: