Hi All, I'm going
to explain to sorting an observable array in knockoutJS
Today's, I have a requirement for sorting an observable array with respect to the date as give below example.
Example :
Today's, I have a requirement for sorting an observable array with respect to the date as give below example.
The below code sample are working most of the browsers (IE, Mozilla, and Firefox etc.)
In the
1st step, code-sample for knockout Js
Example :
<script type="text/javascript" lang="ja">
// This
observable-array contains to 3 user objects.
var userDetails = ko.observableArray([
{ name: "Anil
Singh", date: "10/03/1984" },
{ name: "Sunil
Singh", date: "05/04/1990" },
{ name: "Sushil
Singh", date: "13/06/1999" }
observable array to date wise entries.
userDetails .sort(function (l, r) {
return (Date.parse(l.date) == Date.parse(r.date) ? 0 :
(Date.parse(l.date) > Date.parse(r.date) ? -1 : 1))
(Date.parse(l.date) > Date.parse(r.date) ? -1 : 1))